Mechua Market Summary

State: West Bengal
District: Kolkata
Costliest Commodity: Apple - Apple
at 16000.00 INR/Quintal on 2024-03-19
Cheapest Commodity: Mousambi(Sweet Lime) - Other
at 1800.00 INR/Quintal on 2024-03-19
Latest Price Date: 2024-03-22

Latest prices of Apple, Orange, Mousambi(Sweet Lime), Pomegranate and 2 other commodities in Mechua

Latest and updated prices for various commodities in Mechua market located in Sealdah Koley Market, in Kolkata district and in the state of West Bengal

Price Updated at: Sat Mar 23 02:30:12 UTC 2024

Mousambi(Sweet Lime) market price in Mechua

Commodity Variety Arrival Date Min Price Max Price Modal Price
Mousambi(Sweet Lime) Other 2024-03-22 2800.00 INR/Quintal 3600.00 INR/Quintal 3000.00 INR/Quintal
Mousambi(Sweet Lime) Other 2024-03-22 4900.00 INR/Quintal 5400.00 INR/Quintal 5000.00 INR/Quintal
Mousambi(Sweet Lime) Other 2024-03-22 5600.00 INR/Quintal 7000.00 INR/Quintal 6000.00 INR/Quintal
Mousambi(Sweet Lime) Other 2024-03-21 2400.00 INR/Quintal 3600.00 INR/Quintal 3000.00 INR/Quintal
Mousambi(Sweet Lime) Other 2024-03-21 4800.00 INR/Quintal 5000.00 INR/Quintal 5000.00 INR/Quintal

Apple market price in Mechua

Commodity Variety Arrival Date Min Price Max Price Modal Price
Apple Apple 2024-03-22 5600.00 INR/Quintal 6000.00 INR/Quintal 6000.00 INR/Quintal
Apple Apple 2024-03-22 12000.00 INR/Quintal 14000.00 INR/Quintal 12000.00 INR/Quintal
Apple Apple 2024-03-21 7000.00 INR/Quintal 8000.00 INR/Quintal 8000.00 INR/Quintal
Apple Apple 2024-03-21 11000.00 INR/Quintal 12000.00 INR/Quintal 12000.00 INR/Quintal
Apple Apple 2024-03-21 14000.00 INR/Quintal 15000.00 INR/Quintal 15000.00 INR/Quintal

Orange market price in Mechua

Commodity Variety Arrival Date Min Price Max Price Modal Price
Orange Other 2024-03-22 2800.00 INR/Quintal 3600.00 INR/Quintal 3000.00 INR/Quintal
Orange Other 2024-03-22 4500.00 INR/Quintal 5400.00 INR/Quintal 5000.00 INR/Quintal
Orange Other 2024-03-22 5000.00 INR/Quintal 6000.00 INR/Quintal 5600.00 INR/Quintal
Orange Other 2024-03-21 5600.00 INR/Quintal 6000.00 INR/Quintal 6000.00 INR/Quintal
Orange Other 2024-03-19 2800.00 INR/Quintal 3000.00 INR/Quintal 3000.00 INR/Quintal

Pomegranate market price in Mechua

Commodity Variety Arrival Date Min Price Max Price Modal Price
Pomegranate Other 2024-03-22 4000.00 INR/Quintal 5000.00 INR/Quintal 5000.00 INR/Quintal
Pomegranate Other 2024-03-22 7000.00 INR/Quintal 8000.00 INR/Quintal 8000.00 INR/Quintal
Pomegranate Other 2024-03-22 11000.00 INR/Quintal 12000.00 INR/Quintal 12000.00 INR/Quintal
Pomegranate Other 2024-03-21 4000.00 INR/Quintal 5000.00 INR/Quintal 5000.00 INR/Quintal
Pomegranate Other 2024-03-21 7000.00 INR/Quintal 8000.00 INR/Quintal 8000.00 INR/Quintal
Price Checked at: 2024-04-23T07:30:12.766

Price trends of various commodities in Mechua market

Daily average price trends for Mousambi(Sweet Lime) in Mechua

Daily average price trends for Apple in Mechua

Daily average price trends for Orange in Mechua

Daily average price trends for Pomegranate in Mechua

Mechua Market Information

Address: Sealdah Koley Market
Nearest Railway Station: Howrah
Distance of the nearest railway station from the market: 1 Kms
Name of the Nearest National /State Highway: G.T.Road

Market Area Information

Capacity of Cold Storages: 6 M T approx
Nearest place in the Hinterland:
Farthest place in the Hinterland:
Notified area of Market Committee:
Number of Cold Storages available: 2
Subyard (If any) and It's exact location:
Number of Commodities notified under regulation: 0
Commodity Wise Processing Units in the Market area:
Average daily dispatches to outside markets during the season:
Names of traditional markets(important) to which produce is sent: Entire Kolkata and its suburbs
Average daily dispatches to outside markets during the peak period:

Admin Information

Name of Chairman: *****
Name of Secretary: *****
Year of Regulation: 0
Address of Chairman:
Address of Secretary: Mr Sahid Ahmed Khan Jt Secretary Calcutta Fruit Merchants Association
Phone No. of Chairman: *****
Regulated/Unregulated: Unregulated
Phone No. of Secretary: *****
Supervisory(Permanent): 0
Supervisory(Temporary): 0
Administrative(Permanent): 0
Administrative(Temporary): 0
Name of Officer-in-Charge: *****
Name of Market Legislation:
Address of Officer-in-Charge: Directorate of Agricultural Marketing P 16 India Exchange Place Extension Kolkata 73
Name of Owner and Management:
Phone No. of Officer-in-Charge: *****
Mode of selection of APMC (Elected/Superseded/Nominated):
Market working hours:
Market holidays:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What are the commodities available in Mechua market?

The commodities that are available in are MechuaMousambi(Sweet Lime), Apple, Orange, Pomegranate etc.